April 2023

Noteworthy stuff I did this month

Learning & University

Slowed down on learning German mainly because of a lack of motivation.

Had a QnA session with EPITECH 3rd year student exchanging with Thammasat University.

Wrote the ‘Thoughts on organization’ article. I still have some progress to do on writing speed!

Kept reading Basic Electricity and electronics by Schuler & Fowler at SIIT library for the last time. This domain is quite interesting and I intend to keep reading about it once I go back to France.

Had a presentation about Chadchart (governor of bangkok) and his leadership, as part of Organizational Behavior lecture with my fellow thai team mates.


Started reading Clean Code and Clean Architecture by “Uncle Bob” Robert Martin.

Setup Neovim LSP options I had missed when first installed.

Successfully completed the step 3 of the beta sprint of Siya, my Epitech Innovative Project. Road to Delivery!

Restructure this website into logs and thoughts. I think that will make me motivated to produce content more regularly.

I introduced myself to Stripe and it’s API.


I have attended:

  • DevMorning - every Sunday as always
  • DevEvening - I usually do not go but it’s a chill place with chill people to work
  • BKK/hack

Arthur SouliĆ© 2024 ©