December 2023

Noteworthy stuff I did this month

Kind of small because of the holidays

Learning & University

Work is as always quite energy intensive. The 3rd year bachelor students are nearly at the end of their year before leaving for their 3rd internship. For now they along with the 1st years require the most attention. The 2nd years will soon come back from their internship and January should mark the most intensive month of the year.

Computer hardware

My framework 13 has arrived and has been a great machine so far. The keyboard feels amazing and I could never go back to a screen with a different aspect ratio! The different modules are unexpectedly useful when some friends need dongles like usb-c to Hdmi.

I now need to focus on a way to backup my data efficiently.


I have been focusing on learning Kotlin this month. As always my favorite way to start a new language is with Also created a basic Android app with compose. My bet is that in the future, with multi-platform, kotlin will become a widely used technology for mobile apps.


DevMorning stopped during the holidays (25 December - 1st January). I would like to make this event more accessible to new people in January to get to see more new faces ! Also we have switched to a more french friendly hour and the meetup now starts at 9:30.


My calculations for the drivers license where incorrect last time and I will pass the exam in February :D

Arthur SouliĆ© 2024 ©