February 2024

Noteworthy stuff I did this month


As of the February 29th, I have come to the term of my contract as an academic advisor for EPITECH. I have been interviewing for functional programming jobs in interesting domains as well as regular dev jobs.

Learning & University

I am also done with the student part of EPITECH : the last oral presentations for the EIP are over. At long last.


Very little to say this month, so a quick summary :

  • Changed registrar for good this time
  • Finished a small Google Calendar extension to tell if a task respects the SMART principles (see screenshot)
  • Started planning an App project me and my brother had in mind for some time

task sculptor
task sculptor logo


I travelled to Prague, Czechia for a weekend with friends and had a lot of fun visiting !

I have decided to end the DevMorning Paris meetup. There was low attendance and I want to travel more during the weekends. I will still work at coffees on Sunday morning but maybe this was not the right format.

Maybe it is also time for me to attend more diverse meetups.

Arthur SouliĆ© 2024 ©