January 2023

Noteworthy stuff I did this month

Getting to the one year mark !

Learning & University

I have finished giving my compiler course and have given the last oral presentations. 3rd years are now gone to their internships and second years are hard at work on their semester.

I myself will soon have to either find an end of study job starting April 2024 or keep working as an academic advisor at Epitech.


I have successfully locked my registrar for the next 60 days while trying to transfer “soulie.space” from domain.com to Route53. My mistake was trying to change some personal informations at the same time that I was transferring domain.


I have spent most of my time doing some fine-tuning on my EIP project. Quick reminder : this project is a 3 year long end-of-study project. We decided to create some kind of navigation app with some security features :

  • position sharing (and infos such as battery percentage)
  • reporting incidents on their way to other users

My 7 man strong work group is now free from this hell and can keep going on with their life !


I have joined a programming Dojo meetup and was quite entertained by the concept. Will definitively come back with a friend of mine at another session.

On the DevMorning side : I probably have failed somewhere because it has not been having the same amount of attendance as it used too. The event will stop during the next few weeks because I will be traveling. We will see if this meetup is dead - or not - when I come back. It will probably at least live to see the end of march.

I intend to keep this “work on random projects and plan the week on Sunday morning” routine anyways.

Arthur SouliĆ© 2024 ©