June & July 2023

Noteworthy stuff I did this month these past 2 months


After my year abroad in Thailand, I mainly took some time for myself and to reunite with friends & family.

While traveling to southern France, I accomplished a goal I had in mind for a long time. I climbed all via-ferratas in the Hérault and Gard department. Also, I decided to contribute and add them all to Apple Maps.

Next goal will be to climb those in the Lozère or Tarn departments :)

Learning & University

We are getting to the last 3 months sprint of my EIP (Epitech Innovative Project / end of master project). So far so good! Me and my group will be putting everything needed to make sure this keeps going flawlessly. See you in December for the end results !

As a 5th year Epitech student, I am proud to announce that I was chosen to be an APE (Assistant Pédagogique Epitech - that’s a silly joke)! This means I will be part of the Paris Campus pedagogical team, responsible for governing the campus, introducing students to new tools and languages and answering their code questions when they are lost.

I have used Inkscape (definitely my favorite software for vector graphics) to illustrate a manual for a house my family rents. The previous version was some Word file with some comic-sans… The artist in me could not just stay silent on this one!

Also in the graphics department, as part of the EIP project I had pleasure of proposing some graphical redesign of the app and website to the team created thanks to Figma.


My main programming focus for these two months was trying to make a clean backend for future use on a personal project of mine.

As part of this project, I read / finished reading the following books :

  • Domain Driven Design Quickly book by Abel Avram and Floyd Marinescu on InfoQ.
  • Clean architecture book by “Uncle Bob” Robert Martin.

Trying to apply the knowledge gained from these books, I wrote a domain in typescript and then figured I should make the rest of my modules into independent packages. With this in mind I have tested making different packages and pushing them to GitHub repository. This was not going well for reasons still unclear, so looking through the internet I came to the conclusion that I needed some kind of monorepo.

This lead me to learn:

  • Yarn 3
  • Typescript references

I have been on and off about this project due to family events, but I am confident this was the right solution.


I have not spent a lot of time in Paris as of yet, and plan to attend a few international events next month if possible.

Arthur Soulié 2024 ©