November 2023

Noteworthy stuff I did this month

Learning & University

This month kicked off the meetings with parents of students in difficult technical situation. Those students have not acquired the basic knowledge in C necessary for the rest of the year so everyone involved needs to be informed of the situation.

Sometimes we have to make parents and students understand that they might not be a good fit for the kind of university EPITECH is and these are the hardest interviews I have done yet.

Computer hardware issues

The transfer of the BIOS chip from one laptop to the other was a success. However, after a few short weeks, the power supply management system seems to have broken and the laptop won’t turn on anymore. I will cut my losses here and stopped trying to fix it.

I have ordered a Framework laptop with the hope not having to deal with the same issues. If everything goes according to plan, I would like to keep it for the next 10 years (with hardware upgrades if needed).

iOS development not being an objective for now, I stopped checking for updates on the MacBook. Currently considering buying a used Mac Mini if it becomes necessary.


On my personal project, I had my first contact with the google workspace API and successfully implemented a basic frontend for my google Calendar extension.

Integrated Typesense in my react frontend for the EIP project. This should mark my last technical contribution to the project. Next steps are simply to pitch and present the technical aspects of the project once more, so it should be fine.


I am now the host of the new DevMorning meetup in Paris !

So far the event has been held in 4 occasions and I had the chance to meet a lot of nice and interesting IT people from France and from around the world. I am incredibly thankful for the people that participated in making my Sunday mornings less boring and more productive.

I wish to keep this event regular and to attend more events in the future.


Passed the 20 hours mark of driving practice. This means I should be able to pass my exam around January if my calculations are correct !

Arthur SouliĆ© 2024 ©