October 2023

Noteworthy stuff I did this month

Learning & University

Joined the ‘how much does it cost ?’ lecture. It provided great insight on how the software service industry works.

Computer hardware issues

My laptop is fixed ! Some friends at Evolutek successfully transferred the BIOS chip from the old motherboard to the ’new’ one. Now the bios is unlocked but a side effect is my laptop became a Christmas tree every time I wake it up.

Did not check on updates for the MacBook.


On my personal project side, we managed to setup llama with llama.cpp. Still some questions to be answered about linking that with our future frontend.

Work is not finish yet on my Haskell project unfortunately. Caring for the day to day work at the campus proves to be quite time consuming.

The EIP (Epitech Innovative Project) is almost done from a technical standpoint. We participated to the ‘warm up days’: a school event where we are supposed to pitch our project. As expected, this was pretty dull and boring considering the project we are working on. I spent a good amount of time removing technical debt on my react frontend by abstracting properly the business logic and configuration. We did a communication sprint to enhance the UX and UI of the App as well as create materials (posters, etc …) for the Epitech Experience expo.


Doing good on the driver’s license side of things. Driving a manual feels more natural than I thought it would.

Arthur SouliĆ© 2024 ©