September 2023

Noteworthy stuff I did this month

Learning & University

My first month as a member of the pedagogical team is done, and it felt weird! I can now understand a lot of the answers that frustrated me when I was a first-year student back in 2019.

Computer hardware issues

No progress on my personal laptop. The work laptop has been a fine replacement so far. However, this situation cannot continue because I am forced to move around with the work laptop. If I ever break it from personal use, I honestly have no idea what happens. I think I found a place with the equipment to move the BIOS chip from the first motherboard to the second.

I cannot code my iOS app on the old 11" MacBook Air from 2015 anymore. I updated my devices to iOS 17 and thus need MacOS Sonoma (I guess) to keep developing. However, Opencore Patcher does not support Sonoma yet!


I started yet another personal project with a friend. One of those is going to come to completion eventually, I hope.

As the main reference for Haskell on the Paris campus, I had the need to go deeper into Haskell once again (as deep as my knowledge allows me!). My student’s current project is to write a LISP interpreter in 20 days (counting weekends). I also try to do their project when I have time. Their next steps during following 20 days will be to create their own language outside of the LISP principles, a compiler, a bytecode and a virtual machine.

EIP (Epitech Innovative Project) is still going strong and we are preparing our last four-months sprint. We have hired a new student and are eventually planning on hiring a second one later this month if necessary.


Starting driver’s license practices soon.

Not a long log, but time is lacking right now :)

Arthur SouliĆ© 2024 ©